i figured it was time for a little updatie. things are going well for me :) unless that is you take into consideration the fact that most of our snow has been blown away (leaving the ground very slippery) and the fact that today it was dark by 2pm. i do miss the snow & wish that the sun would stick around for longer....but those are things are are out of my control! bummer, eh? did you know that i only have 2 more weeks left of lectures left. two. one more time for those that missed me there: i only have 2 more weeks left of lectures left! my goodness, how did this go by so fast? isn't it strange how time works? like, for me it feels like i've been here for such a long time, but it also feels like it's just begun. i feel like i just saw all of you guys, but i also feel like i've been away from home for forever. i feel like my dts is almost over, but i'm really not even 1/2 done. yes, i do realize that i'm just babbling right now. but i just can't wrap my mind around time! ok, i'm going to stop thinking about that now. here are some pictures from the last 2 weeks.
Bea's birthday party, November 18:

Helen thought it would be a good idea for us to play with her boomerang......which really was a great idea: bex threw it into a great big tree. :) i think i recall bex telling me several weeks ago that she missed climbing trees. what a perfect opportunity for her.

hehe, oh joys
love you guys. i miss you and niverville.
Posted by
10:04 a.m.
what do normal people do on friday nights again? i'm beginning to forget......
this is what we do at borgen
Posted by
4:07 a.m.
over night i received 116 spam e-mails. one more time.....over night i received 116 spam e-mails.
i usually receive around 5 a day....but 116? what is that? this day has just begun :) muahahah
Posted by
3:47 a.m.
and see the day i have for you
everything's new
wake up, wake up child
i've been waiting for you to get out of bed
so we could take on the world
me and you, we can take on the world
i'm crazy dancing over you
and i just want you to know
i'm crazy singing my love
and i am so thrilled
thrilled to bits with you
get up, get up now
kick the darkness
kick it till the light bleeds through
i'm counting on you
we will see the light bleed through
i'm counting on you
i'm back again! this time for good....well for good until december 23 when i leave for London. it's so good to be back at Borgenhome. i actually really enjoyed this last week in Tromso. it was nice to be in a city again. there were people! NORWEGIANS! hehe, we've only got one Norwegian on my dts....so, although i've been in Norway for 2.5 months, i haven't really experienced much of norway culture. it was good.
This week was probably one of my favorite weeks so far. i wasn't looking forward to it at all at the beginning of the week. i didn't really want to leave Borgen, i was afraid of being stretch, and i was tired. but i was so blessed and refreshed through this week. God is so good, so faithful! one jewel revelation i had is that God will never leave me. NEVER. i know it seems so elementary, but i had realized that my personal fear of being left by man (humans), was also a fear and lack of trust with God. but He won't leave me! never! He's not going to....you can't change my mind :)
ok, i need to get to sleep now. i love you homies
here are a couple of pictures from the week....

hehe, lenneke and i had a little photoshoot. our model/photographer chemistry is amazing

Posted by
1:34 p.m.
hey everyone just thought i'd give you all a quick little updatie :)
we're back in Tromsø this week & it has been really good so far. On sunday night we did a drama, dance and testimony at a church service, which went good. it was fun. tonight we're going to be leading a children's club. woooooooo hoo. partEY
anyways, i should get back to class. love you all!
Posted by
3:12 a.m.
so blogger finally decided to work on my side and let me put up some pictures. here she be:

our bedroom....11 girls together forever(forever=6 nights)

hehe, we had a 2hr dance lesson which included some mirroring and hip hop.
me and lenneke showing off our talent of mirroring:)

Sunday evening Lenneke, Bex, Cherob and myself went to a cafe for hot chocolate to just chillax....hence lenneke and bex chillaxing in this picture

and more chillaxing

UNTIL: a mighty light zapped Cherob in the head

Posted by
5:59 a.m.
hi to my faithful readers and to the sporadic visitors,
i'm got back from tromso last night! it was really good, nice to be in a city and close to shops. i got to eat at BURGER KING! AH, i love you dear whopper jr and i also got CHOCOLATE MILK....lovely! we were together with a small bible school learning about evangelism. and on thursday and friday we out out to the streets to practice some of what we were learning. SCARY, well, it actually ended up being pretty good. our teacher, vince esterman, is an evangelist from paris (well, originally from australia....) and his method of street evangelism is using a sketch board. so pretty much what we did was he would tell a story using his sketch board (see pictures below) and then us students would just listen until he finished his story then talk to the people who stopped to listen to his stories & give them invitations to church. 2 ladies that we met on the street came to church and accepted Christ into their lives! it was so cool, exciting and amazing to be a part of!
ok, so i just tried for the last 1/2hr to upload pictures and it's NOT WORKING!!! *shakes fist at computer* sorry peeps....but i will be back.
Posted by
12:07 p.m.