wake up, wake up child
and see the day i have for you
everything's new
wake up, wake up child
i've been waiting for you to get out of bed
so we could take on the world
me and you, we can take on the world
i'm crazy dancing over you
and i just want you to know
i'm crazy singing my love
and i am so thrilled
thrilled to bits with you
get up, get up now
kick the darkness
kick it till the light bleeds through
i'm counting on you
we will see the light bleed through
i'm counting on you
and see the day i have for you
everything's new
wake up, wake up child
i've been waiting for you to get out of bed
so we could take on the world
me and you, we can take on the world
i'm crazy dancing over you
and i just want you to know
i'm crazy singing my love
and i am so thrilled
thrilled to bits with you
get up, get up now
kick the darkness
kick it till the light bleeds through
i'm counting on you
we will see the light bleed through
i'm counting on you
*dan lyth "crazy dancing"
i'm back again! this time for good....well for good until december 23 when i leave for London. it's so good to be back at Borgenhome. i actually really enjoyed this last week in Tromso. it was nice to be in a city again. there were people! NORWEGIANS! hehe, we've only got one Norwegian on my dts....so, although i've been in Norway for 2.5 months, i haven't really experienced much of norway culture. it was good.
This week was probably one of my favorite weeks so far. i wasn't looking forward to it at all at the beginning of the week. i didn't really want to leave Borgen, i was afraid of being stretch, and i was tired. but i was so blessed and refreshed through this week. God is so good, so faithful! one jewel revelation i had is that God will never leave me. NEVER. i know it seems so elementary, but i had realized that my personal fear of being left by man (humans), was also a fear and lack of trust with God. but He won't leave me! never! He's not going to....you can't change my mind :)
ok, i need to get to sleep now. i love you homies
here are a couple of pictures from the week....
hanna banana

hehe, lenneke and i had a little photoshoot. our model/photographer chemistry is amazing

haha SECOND!!
What you wrote was really good Mel. It touched me!
I love you and I'm glad you're having such a great time!
Whatever happened to coming HOME for Christmas?? LOL JK
I don't want to be a comment hog... but Mel... I have one question for you...
do you remember this conversation? The McCain Chocolate Cake in Dave's office... you, me and Kyla..
Let me know if you remember... cuz Kyla and I were talking about it...
k. blessed by the poem!
love you.
p.s isaiah is wondering when you are coming back. missing you.
who am i? who am i?
i've been teaching all of the girls over here that game.
its weird how a place that isn't home feels like home when you come back to it.
i love you too, steph :)
haha, ah katherine!! how many do i have?? hahahah, that was such a funny evening!
hey joc! i forgot to write down that somebody else wrote it....maybe i should go and change that now. it's actually a song, but ya, it's totally been blessing me :)
tell isaiah i miss him too :)
pystal....have you taught anyone your real nickname yet?? have you, have you, have you..PPPPPPYSTAL!
yer a beta blogger!!!! how'd you do that. do you like it?
btw steph - i don't think they were NORWEGIANS that beat us to the first comment on the last post. just because they are in norway doesnt mean they're norwegians, ya know.
heyyy mel, oh yea, we had a BLAST. it was great to be there but even greater to be back! oh and I LOVE YOUR PICS MEL, especially those pics from me ;) haha,nojoke. yesyesyesss, we gotta have our one on one soon, I can see some signs in you - we haven´t had one on one for awhile ;) see u girl, u r the best.
heyyy mel, oh yea, we had a BLAST. it was great to be there but even greater to be back! oh and I LOVE YOUR PICS MEL, especially those pics from me ;) haha,nojoke. yesyesyesss, we gotta have our one on one soon, I can see some signs in you - we haven´t had one on one for awhile ;) see u girl, u r the best.
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