hey everyone just thought i'd give you all a quick little updatie :)
we're back in Tromsø this week & it has been really good so far. On sunday night we did a drama, dance and testimony at a church service, which went good. it was fun. tonight we're going to be leading a children's club. woooooooo hoo. partEY
anyways, i should get back to class. love you all!
3 years ago
Wow I am first
I cannot beleive it!!!!
Hey I am second !!!!!!
This is so much fun!!!!!!
heyyyy Im third!!!lucky me!
I thought family was surposed be first, what's happening here?????
And Mell I would just like to say you have the bestest room mate!
Melodie, I am your biggest fan, even if I wasnt first, I appretiate your beautiful pictures you have of me. I see that most of your friends are crazy too, I guess great minds think alike. Yeah, you betcha!
I was just wandering through cyber-space and came across this great blog. You look like you are having a wonderful time in Norway Melodie, with a great bunch of people!!!
OK now I read the blog, cause thats the way you seem to need to do comment first then read.
really.....your family still has not commented???? whats up??
Heiii iam lost the number:)
oh my.. mel. u r just the best blogger in the world! I LOVE YOUR BLOG! I CAN'T STOP WRITING! I'M DREAMING ABOUT YOUR BLOG EVERY DAY! I'm ur biggest fan.even bigger than cherob.Im telling you.
How can family be first...when we are actually sleeping at that time of the night? good to hear fromyour Norway friends.and from you.Of course love mama xoxoxo
I can't believe you posted while we were all still asleep! I wake up, and check your blog, and you have 10 comments already... SHEESH!!
I love you and I'm glad you are having a great time...
I miss you tonnes out here!
it took me so blinkin long to read all those comments. wowzas! i've never seen so many comments on one short entry. mel, ppl must love ya. :) but not as much as I do!
i am 14th.
appropriate since that is the day i was born on.
love you miss you I spent two weeks in tromso such beautiful mountains, did you take the gondola ride up to the hiking mountain? it was really cool. I am so proud ot read you blog and hear all GOd is doing. You are a star kiss norway for me
Hi Mel,
How's YWAM treating you?
Sorry, my link didn't work on the previous post. What's with that
Welcome aboard Eric!
I see you have disclosed yourself with these words:
"At home McMahon also runs the show. His wife works full time in the telecommunications business, which leaves Eric in charge of raising their three daughters (7, 4 1/2, and 1). 'It’s quite an experience and it lends itself to some interesting material.'
"McMahon makes fun of his Mr. Mom set-up as well as making general comments on the women's movement. He says he takes a 'nontraditional approach to raising kids' and adds, 'He would not trade the experience for the world.'"
Eric, please amplify, clarify, expand, enlarge, explain, and disclose more about yourself.
nice to see your updatie.
well read it.
ummmmmm guess what? i taught jen and linda to do the "yahyahyah" thing...you know, the thing you so randomly do with such great skill. i really think that i haven't shown the deepest quality of the action..action? i dont know what else to call it... but they enjoyed trying to mimic me. do you know what i'm talking about?
man, you guys back at home are slooooooooow. but i still love you :)
sherwood......you're funny. that's all i have to say.
YAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYA ha! no WAY! of course i know what you're talkin' about! don't you have that video you took of me that one day when we went to the city with my mom? heheh, oh the days
Hi Melodie!
Nice blog you've got:)
I've also had problems publishing pictures on blogspot. Now exactly how irritating that can be:)
Take care!
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