hi to my faithful readers and to the sporadic visitors,
i'm got back from tromso last night! it was really good, nice to be in a city and close to shops. i got to eat at BURGER KING! AH, i love you dear whopper jr and i also got CHOCOLATE MILK....lovely! we were together with a small bible school learning about evangelism. and on thursday and friday we out out to the streets to practice some of what we were learning. SCARY, well, it actually ended up being pretty good. our teacher, vince esterman, is an evangelist from paris (well, originally from australia....) and his method of street evangelism is using a sketch board. so pretty much what we did was he would tell a story using his sketch board (see pictures below) and then us students would just listen until he finished his story then talk to the people who stopped to listen to his stories & give them invitations to church. 2 ladies that we met on the street came to church and accepted Christ into their lives! it was so cool, exciting and amazing to be a part of!
ok, so i just tried for the last 1/2hr to upload pictures and it's NOT WORKING!!! *shakes fist at computer* sorry peeps....but i will be back.
3 years ago
Hey Mel, great to hear from you and all that God is doing! That's so exciting...
Thanks for checking out my blog too... by the time you get home I'm sure you could make a cookbook out of all the recipes I'll post..
Do you have any new Norweigan (sp?) recipes to bring home??
Anyway, God bless!
(I know what you mean about the problems with posting pics... I've been having quite the tough time too... but I have a pic up now) :)
Take care!!
:P~~~~ elnerdo stephinski! come show off your blogging prowesses on MY blog - you blog hog!
mel - i understand your distress. i'm mad at blogger today too. i wrote this wonderful post...eliquent, beautiful, thought provoking and in the bat of an eye it was GONE!
it's PEEPS not peps.
just curious... is spelling really important??
hmm, you have NO idea katherine.
kate...i can't believe that you actually asked if spelling is important!!!!love mama xoxo
i understand the importance... but to blog re-spell after re-spell... I don't know... I just think it's funny...
I love you guys!
wow, this is hilarious. i feel like i'm watching a sitcom. i think i've told mel a million times but this is the most entertaining family in the world! well meller beller, sounds amazing what's going on up there. love ya chickie. and didn't you write peeps? i'm confused as to why you got corrected on that...
hi jules...
she (mel) went into her post and CHANGED it (from peps to PEEPS) after my ELOQUENT tutledge.
NOW its spellt right.
thanks to moi.
Mel. LOVE YOU. YUP WE DO! Way to be bold!!!!
Love, LUKE, ISAIAH & Joc & Sherwood.
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