HA, i bet you all didn't think i was actually going to fulfill my promise. DID YA! oh ye of little faith.
well, you're getting pictures, they're in absolutely no order & i haven't gotten to the descriptions yet...that will have to wait. i'm off to tromso in an hour. so you all back at home will have to feed off of these pictures until i return.
i forgot to say that while we were in finland i met santa! the REAL santa...or so the finnish people told me. we got a group picture taken there. hah, ah i wish i had a scanner so i could show you all my face. i look soooooo excited to be sitting next to santa.
getting ready to head off....can anyone find my bag?

annika and me

lenneke loves the camera

she also loves her new pink watch. because she loves pink.

cherob, cherob, cherob

me and jung im

cherob and me

finnish nature walk (bex's pictures)

umm, lenneke is in a cage?

be afraid...

bex and lenneke being cool on the arctic circle


lenneke and bex

the team on the arctic circle

...the arctic circle...

lenneke, cherob, and bex after a full day of shopping/santa visiting

they had this mirror ceiling...that we quite enjoyed

lenneke, bex and myself getting ready for a walk.


they love each other

just checking to see if brown curls suited bex

we went a little crazy after being in the van together for so many hours...

just a little crazy...

the finland DTS and norway DTS UNITE

and now i just want to take this time to honor my leader, Helen Wilson. hi helen! she's fabulous. now that you all know what she looks like, you can wave at her if you pass her on the street.

i'm the first
i'm the first
i'm the first
steph's not
steph's not
steph's not!!!!!
thanks for the are a woman of your word.
how couldi have ever doubted that?
hehe, good job ruth.
sometimes i wonder...are you guys really my older sisters? maybe somehow they tricked us into believing it & in reality i'm the older one. maybe.
Well looks like I beat Steph... LOL
Not only am I learning patience having you SO far away, but now with looking at pictures?!!?
This is tough Mel... almost too tough... *deep breaths*
Well... I'm gonna go look at your pics now...
and if you ever have time, come check out my blog... LOL
Love ya!
Thanks for the pictures and update. Now we need to work on Crystal.
I asked Isaiah who he wanted to play with this week and he said MEL!
Only a few more months or so.....
Love, Joc
Mel! Your hair is getting so long and it's freaking shiny. woot woot. anyways, miss you tons. love the pics. arctic circle...look at you...moving up in the world. :)
miss skinny minnie! hey hows all that early morning exercise going? i'm getting huge out here! there are so many awesome places to eat and..well not so much thought about exercise. eeeeekkkk
i need to get some pictures posted...ahh...everyone's laptop is so slow. My hair is getting freaking long! you should see it. you will see it. hey, we have a webcam so i can always do the msn thing. anyways. this is an email already. LOVE YOU MELLLLLLOdie (like a song)
katherine!! i can't believe that you beat steph too!! steph, you're being put to shame. i have seen you blog, very very cool :) i looked at it this morning when i was fasting....not the best idea with all of those good recipies. :P
JOC! isaiah really said that?? wow, that makes me such a happy person! *sigh* you've got good kids. love ya :)
jules! it makes me so happy to see that YOU are reading my blog...b/c i know how much you love the blogging world. are you softening? i heard you might be going to germany for a year or something...maybe i should go and send you and e-mail. ok. done.
CRYSTAL! i feel so far away from you! get some of those pictures up on your blog! it's such a blessing for me to have a roomie that has a laptop :) hehe...i think i probably use it more than she does. actually, i know i do.
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