i figured since i haven't written since july, i should make at least one more post as an unmarried lady, i think i made the right decision as to what to post about, how about you?
3 years ago
i figured since i haven't written since july, i should make at least one more post as an unmarried lady, i think i made the right decision as to what to post about, how about you?
Posted by
11:05 p.m.
YES!! im so happy you uploaded these already!!! love it!!
first of all...i'm very happy my demand for a new post worked. :)
second of all... WHERE DO YOU FIND THIS STUFF? i cannot believe that that first video actually physically took place! i mean, i don't think there are enough words in this universe to describe how many things were just so so so wrong about the whole thing. let's start with the greasy-haired dude's hip hop dance and the incessant pirouetting...
ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew
and i'm incapable of commenting on the second video as i think i just collapsed from fear...do these people exist?
ZAP! k...the hip action of mr electric guitar at the end of the second video was HILARIOUS.
i think i've switched with julia on this one...i am incapable of commenting on the first video. i think these people are the epitomy of "do they run when they see you coming"??? :)
ohh... its stuck in my head.... make it go away....
HA HA! It didn't work for me to view the 1st one (it said it's no longer available) but that 2nd one...at least the lyrics are good?!
Wow!!! not much more I can say!
excellent pick melodskie.
i can tell your mind is being renewed...for that is the key. actually, i gotta give cred to my man in san fran...mike braun. his brilliant interweb hack skills brought the renewed mind vid to our circle. but i would have to disagree with most of the vibe of response thus far, these videos are revolutionary, and there's something wonderfully right about them. so God be praised!
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i'm currently just using your blog to find everyone else's blog. new post. love you!
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