these are my socks. my sad, sad socks. i don't know if you can tell with the dark shades....but there are 4 holes. why don't i just throw them out? hm, because they're special. they're special because not only do these beautiful warm socks (which i purchased in Finland) have 4 holes in them, they also have 5 patches which lenneke knitted into them for me. lenneke put her heart and her time into these socks for me...spending hours (or was it minutes??) stitching them together for me in Russia. *sigh* i remember those days. but, the day has come. that day is today. today i say goodbye to my beautiful wool socks.
3 years ago
those memories...
and ja...lots of love...but you know...the love is not in the know that.....!!!!
good bye sad socks.
i feel bad. i was genuinely sad. very sorry for your loss. much love
"I'm Mel. I only blog once every four years."
not only time for new socks...
time for a new post!!!
amen says mama xoxo.any new socks on the horizon..did these really have to go..maybe grandma l. could have darned them once more!!!..
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