hmm, so it seems quite a few people are super duper interesting in the gift i received from the netherlands. :) well, let me fill you in then! i got a little notebook with a picture of a really cute little girl on the front...with her finger wedged up her nose! at the bottom it says "life delights in life" it's so perfect, i love it!! i also got a stud muffin bank card! hehe...i haven't tried swiping it yet, so we'll see what comes of that!
when i talked to bex and lenneke on skype on friday (which was a hoot, btw) they requested (or was it demanded??) more photos of here you are ladies!! they're not all of me...but they're a few of my favorite pictures from this summer. most of them are taken by crystal (thanks) because my camera was on the fritz for a little while.

and that's all most definitely feels like summer is coming to an end. fall is coming: people are going to new places, doing new things. i'm sticking to niverville...trying to see what God has to teach me this year.
"Here it is again, the Great Reversal: many of the first ending up last, and the last first."
Matthew 20:16
nerdy :)
Hey Mel,
Good to see you updating your blog!!! Some great pictures, looks like your summer was.....sunny!!!
Mel....thanx for comming to Borgen last year!!! You are great fun...
Looking forward to see you again....but maybe we can do with skype for the time in between!!!
Love Lenneke
Great pics Mel! Tyler and I think you and Eric make a great couple!
mel,wow.I enjoyed your pictures.I have not updated the blog for ages and I´m not sure if I will be able to have time to do I might just delete our 1st student has arrived and we are so close to get things started again and wow,time goes by so fast and it feels like I need to take time to enjoy every little moment :) Life is so good.God is so good.Missing you Mel.
yes bex, yes!I agree with you!Finally I updated mine so now there is something new to read :) Bless you My Mel.
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