
it's someone special's birthday today!!!

speeeeecial :) i love you crystal. i have so much fun with you. you're such a joy to live with. i pray that God blesses you like crazy. especially now that you're the big TWO OH. it's crazy responsibility but i have full confidence in you. you'll be an awesome twenty year old.

yesterday in celebration of mother's day & crystal's birthday my family went to the park. so here are some pictures of my favorite people:

it's my mother's day!!

luke & i were listening to my iPod. he loves Toby Mac's beat :)

isaiah & crystal with their crazy faces

the shi-lar

joc, sherwood & ruth hanging loose

steph, isaiah & luke playing with "worms"....shiloh chowing down on some rollkuchen


Crystal said...

thanks mel. i'm glad you have fun with me.
that picture with isaiah is a little ..well embarising but i think i'll survive. i love you very much dear melodie

Roo said...


you are a magnificent woman and we love you very much!

Anonymous said...

Hey Stud Muffin,
You know those earphones in the picture, they look a lot like ones you bought in Russia but I know that to be impossible coz they wouldn't have lasted that long....would they??? If so I am very impressed with them ... and you of course.
Miss you heaps

Anonymous said...

woo hoo...i'm so hot.

Anonymous said...

that was a fun day....yup luke likes that toby.
love, joc

Anonymous said...

i think luke might have the most expressive eyebrows ever!!!

Melodie said...

crystal: embarising? do you mean embarrassing. hehe, well...i just talked to you on the phone today...so i think you have survived, at least a week.

hehe, pumpkin, don't be deceived by the looks of it....they only appear to be looking normal. but in reality, the cord must be bend in a particular fashion in order for sound to come out of it :) although these ones have lasted me since russia....so i do think it's a new record!!

steph: ya ye ar'

jules: hehe, cute eh?