hey hey hey!!! here's an update as promised! well....just to warn you, it's going to be a short one.
i've been having a blast with bex and eric in England. after a couple of sleepless nights we arrived in Nottingham on the 24 & ate PIZZA!! so although i was far from home on christmas eve, i still got a bit of the tradition in there :) right now we're in london, today we walked around, saw a bunch of sites, took a bunch of pictures. the next two days look the about the same. i'm going off to bed though......who knew walking around & taking pictures could be sooooo exhausting!
i love you all!! i'll make sure to post a more descriptive & pictureful post when i'm back in Borgen.
3 years ago
FIRST COMMENT!!! AHHHHHH. (only because steph is in kansas and mom and dad have company tonight)
mel! pizza! that's perfect. that's exactly what happanned to me when i was gone my first christmas.
Mel! London. that is so cool. I hope you had an awesome christmas. i can't believe i'm the second comment on here. weird. love ya!
hi...so good to hear from you..we were wondering how things are going..so glad you are having a good time.our company cancelled terry and grycyna..she was sick but we went to see raymond & jean mclean..cheerio...love mamama xoxox
Please give our greetings to the Queen of England! Dad
Hey Mel....sounds good!!!!
How is the sun and how is the tropical climate!!!!!
I'm going to see the sun tomorrow...I hope...here stil smallglobben!!!!
Keep having fun...and take care of Bex!!!!
See you soon!!!
happy new year, mel! i loved the pizza buffet's in london. very cheap and very filling.
miss you~see you soon, eh?
yeah, ASK SHERWOOD about the pizza buffet - he and matthew enjoyed.
he he he
hey mel! email us!! kansas city was awesome. and now my head is spinning. literally.
Hey Mel... yes Kansas was good... nothing like a 14-hour car ride... that oughta create some good bonding time eh??
Let's just say, Don't try sneaking an extra piece with you in your pants. Especially if you only have one pair of pants with you on your trip...
leave it to sherwood not to ask for a take out box
melodie...where are you? did they leave you in london?? love mama xoxo
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