well, now that i've told you all about the arctic extreme, now i'll show it to you! if you haven't read my last post, maybe you should do that first.
these pictures were taken by Bex
this is the view from the base, where we started out.

me and cherob at 4am packing up our stuff. don't we look like we're having a blast?

this was cherob's drink she made and drank. it included coffee grinds, jello mix, and warm water......it pretty much tasted very gross.

me and jung im a little ways up the mountain! still smiling :)

mom, when i saw this, i thought that it was something that you would do

and we're at the top of the mountain! three cheers!! i don't having any pictures of us actually climbing, seeing as at many moments if we leaned a little too far backwards we would have just rolled right on down the mountain....to our DEATHS. but, ptl, that didn't happen to any of us! :)

view from the top

the top

this was on the way down....sliding, slowly climbing down. this was another area where we had to lean in towards the mountain and be very careful with our footing, or else we'd just fall all the way down!

sliding turned out to be a little bit easier! gave our legs a bit of a rest, but we'd have to watch out for big rocks that would go sliding down with us, make sure they didn't hit the person in front of us! i'm the one with the orange pack.

sliding, sliding, sliding.
lenneke, me, annika, and helen

after the hardest part going down the mountain! we're ALIVE....and i look retarded..

last day of arctic extreme! i'd sit down any chance i got!

walking through the wilderness.
lenneke and myself

this was right near the end. as you can see, i was having a little trouble walking straight.
lenneke, rebecca, and myself

so that's it for now folks! one other thing that i found out was that we walked 22km on that 4am-11:30pm day! please keep in mind that we were climbing mountains. yes, just respect me now.
WHY was cherob drinking that?????? on purpose????? !
u changed your "skin". did the other one not work for pictures?
my,my I'm certainly very proud that you made it on that hike..as you know, i'm not much of a hiker but i did appreciate the flowers in the stump!! love you...praying for you..love mama xoxo
Wow! I am impressed! Continue to climb every mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow till you find your dream!
One day, Sherwood and I hiked about 22 kilometers going up and down the mountain by Lake Louise, but we did not have those backpacks to carry, so you set the family record! Congrats!
Love, Dad xoxo
i love you guys!
ya, ruth, with the other skin my pictures weren't showing up.. :( so now it's just a normal one. ah well, all of that work for nothing!
and i see you changed it ...again.
variety is the spice of life...my spicey sister. xo
Hey Mel...I was wondering how your breathing is in Norway...did you have any difficulty on the mountain..mama xoxo
wow!! nice job, mel. we're quite proud of you.
love sherwood, jocelyn, isaiah and luke
Looks like Oksskolten?
check out how you spellt FLOUR...FLOWER on your first blog post. hahahahahahahahahaha
ok Mel I always hear people talk about mountain top experiences and the valleys they go through, And it always seems that the mountain top refers to enjoyable times and valleys, the dark hard times. What are you thoughts on this imagery?
Brother Brian
Here's to mountain tops and VALLEYS!
hah, ah, i'll have to change that! flower? how old am i again?
well, brian, my thoughts on that are that there are hard times both in the valley and on the mountain....i think that's about as deep as i'm going to go this morning. :)
Wonderwoman must be your middle name! I just knew there was something extra special about you.
P.S. You're cute.
mel you're making me excited....ack. wow. SO BEAUTIFUL
Mel I love youuuuu! And those pictures.
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