i remembered another cultural thing that everyone should know about...TERRY FOX! no one out here knows who he is! we were going for a walk and showing each other all of the different funny ways we would walk when we were little. (woah, look at the W i had going on there!) anyways, i was saying about how i used to always pretend that i was terry fox with the little 2 hop on one leg thing. you know? didn't every canadian kid pretend to be terry fox at one point? anyways....no one else in the world knows about our canadian hero. *sigh*
joke of the day: they have me helping out with worship...SINGING! ha, ptl they haven't put a microphone up to my mouth yet!
i don't think i've mentioned on here yet, but i'm going to Finland on october 2 & will be out there until the 15th! we're joining up with a ywam school out there and then they will be coming out here for one week. should be gooooooood. apparently it's a lot cheaper out there than it is in norway, so a bunch of the girls are so excited to go shopping. i won't deny it...i may be one of those girls.
3 years ago
hahah...i mean...i bet you are too?
wow, sounds like you're having an awesome time! not too much going on out here...luke went on the pot! .. in other news, i changed my blogger AGAIN because it wouldnt let comments go on. whats with these skins anyways? no pictures? no comments? whats a blog for anyways?
err, crystal - which luke are you talking about?
ps mellie...i ALSO lead worship on one of my YWAM schools. yup. with a mic. in the front. praisin' the Lord.
go FOR it. go for HIM.
i never pretended to be Terry Fox.
nope. not everyone little sister did that.
hey beautiful!
i'm so glad things are going awesome out in norway! i must admit that i've become a blogger myself. and i thoroughly enjoy reading your updates! keep it up! love you lots!
-kristen mcmahon-
you must...
be happy...
you have soooooooo many comments?
ruth you never pretended to be terry fox becase he started running across canada in 1979....
kristen!! good to hear from you! hehe, aren't blogs fun? i'll make sure to check yours out as well :) love ya.
ruth.....i don't know what else to say. sometimes i just wonder. but really all that i can do is smile and shake my head.
Remember sitting in my living room on that very "top of our rings" evening and suddenly mellowing out the moment Terry Fox came on?
It's sad when the world doesn't know about our Canadian hero. But, they are fast learning about our other Canadian hero.....YOU!
Sorry I missed your calls. My phone is always on silent. I can't hear silence very well. *kiss*
ruth - clearly i ment luke armbruster....what are you thinking? sicko
mel - i never pretended to be terry fox either. actually i pretended i was sick the day of the infamous "run"... :S
Greetings from the Canadian Arctic! It was so good to catch up on the updates from Norway. Blessings to one and all, now and alwsays, Dad xoxo
Hi Mel,
Steph sent me your blog address and I have enjoyed reading of your adventures. That mountain climb sounds pretty evil for a prairie girl! Yikes!
You go for it with the worship team! God has such a sense of humor, doesn't He - giving us things we don't feel qualified for? - Sam has been given dish detail in Texas Capernwray. Anyone who knows him knows he has spent his LIFE avoiding doing dishes! LOL! So you sing your little heart out leading worship - despite the fact it is not in your current comfort zone - and think of Sam being given dish detail - "the thing I feared most has come upon me" - you are in good company being stretched and strengthened!
We're praying for you!
MEL i was alive in 1979 ! :P~~~~
i was just a kid...the perfect time for pretending things.
so sad i missed your call today. we were in the city from early early (8am) until late late (10pm.)
you can call me NOW.... :) xo
haha, ah heebs. we loved the terry fox movie! do you still have your terry fox $1?? i think i might have spent mine...
hey marsha! it's good to hear from people back at home! ha, God definately does have a sense of humor!! thanks for your prayers. i appreciate them.
my point is ruth, is that you were 7 when he started running...
so? what kind of a point is that?
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