well folks. the count down is now at 8 days until i'm in Norway. so i figured that i'd make a new update.....well, of course the real reason that i'm updating is so that sherwood and ruth have something else to be themselves on. my poor "testing 1-2-3" post has been exhausted.
ok, so 8 more days! i'm super excited about it! a couple of weeks ago i was just feeling very nervous about going and was having a hard time being excited at all. but i'm happy to announce that i cannot wait to go on this next adventure. i'm excited about the people i'll meet, the places i'll see, and the things i'll learn.
it's kind of sad that this is my last week at work. i've been there for almost 2 years & it's strange to think that i may never work there again. but then on the flip side i'm excited to say that this is the last week i'm working. i'm always going back and forth...who knows how to figure out the mind of a 20 year old female??
3 years ago
me me me
i wanna be the first to comment.
so there sherwood/ruth.
i'm happy for you. this is a crazy ride. YWAM
crystal wins
but i'm SECOND!!
sherwood loses.
wah!!! baby sister is leaving. we love you mellie poo poo poo. we will pray for you. run with your maker. go be LIGHT.
ruth double posted. boring, i know.
you're boring!!! i'm not boring.
we miss you mellie!!!
we're proud of you.
where's sherwood? this is boring.
as per my post a few posts ago...
oh ruth...sometimes...
well anyways, I MISS YOU MEL
i miss mel too.
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