i've been reuinited with a childhood movie!!!!

Family & Wedding Party Pictures

Pictures of me & my handsome husband

Reception Pictures

our HOME! (Helen....your gift to us is the second
top picture on the left. the 3 square shelves :))

Here is a video of what i live in! this was taken by some people near where i live. Last week monday EVERYTHING was ice! it was insane! it took me over 15 minutes to walk to work & it usually only takes about 7 minutes. (yes...i time my walk to work)
Posted by
3:48 p.m.
i figured since i haven't written since july, i should make at least one more post as an unmarried lady, i think i made the right decision as to what to post about, how about you?
Posted by
11:05 p.m.
Hey All,
I have another video update here for you guys to enjoy....if you didn't see my last video, I'd suggest you go watch that one first (it's at the bottom of my post about Eliora's birth)
well, well, well...it appears that although Shiloh may be an impressionable 2.5 year old, I don't have ultimate control over her. Nope, only her mother has THAT power!
Posted by
2:45 p.m.

figured i'd throw this video in as well, here is a little something i taught Shiloh a couple of weeks ago :) :) :) enjoy!
Posted by
4:59 p.m.
hey folks, i seriously NEED to be in bed right now...but i figured i'd quickly post an awesomely amazing link for you guys to check out. Last tuesday eric and i got together with our wedding photographers to get some engagement pictures done. it was SO much fun & for anyone getting married in the Winnipeg area i would TOTALLY recommend Kampphotography.
click on the button "click here to view some super slideshow goodness" underneath all of the pictures to see a whole lot more pictures! you'll like it...i'm sure :)
Posted by
9:55 p.m.
did i scare ya? yep, after a 2 month absence i am definitely back! i hope some people still check back here from time to time! well, what have i been busy with?? i have been living with my brother (sherwood), sister-in-law (joc), and 2 nephews (isaiah and luke) for the last 2 months. i've been living with them as a part-time nanny type of thing. my sister-in-law is expecting their 3 child in the middle of august (although isaiah was born 6 weeks early and luke was 12 weeks early....so there's no knowing when this baby will actually be born!) it has really just been a ton of fun, and time is FLYING by so fast! my days basically consist of me playing with my nephews and then doing a few house hold chores each day. my nephews have asked me a couple of times "are you an adult or a child?" they just can't figure out how i look older, like an adult, yet i just play all day long, like a child. they are just so precious!
other than nannying i have been (for the most part:)) loving planning my wedding! it's 4 months away (4 months from yesterday to be exact). for those of you who don't know eric, let me just say this: he is awesome. it hasn't completely sunk in that i will be his wife soon....but i am super excited for this adventure!
hm, well, other than that i just recently read a book called "The Shack" and it was really really good. really got me thinking about how i view God and challenged me to stop putting him into a box! God is God and yet i manage to create an "image" which i think He should fit into. man, i've still got a long way to go!!
well, i can't think of much else to write, so instead i'll leave it to pictures to fill you all in with the latest happenings of my life!
(hint: you can click on the pictures to make them bigger)
Luke hard at work colouring (we do a lot of this!)
Lukester having fun at the zoo
Woo hoo! my sister Ruth and sister-in-law Joc. babies, babies, BABIES!!!
This is what happens to Eric when he comes to visit me.
I took some family pictures for Ruth a couple of weeks ago, enjoy!
Ruth, Brian, Shiloh, and ???
Luke took this picture of himself....it cracks me up every time.
My niece, little miss Shiloh. she is the most "little girl" i have ever met....that statement would make sense if you knew her!

my beloved nephews and niece....just joy.
ok, that's it for tonight, folks!! i hope you enjoyed it....because it took a while!
Posted by
7:37 p.m.

Happy birthday, Ruth! You are a bold, beautiful blessing! I love you!!
yes, i stole all of these pictures from your blog.....but seeing as i'm the one who took them all i figured it was a forgivable offence!
Posted by
10:38 p.m.