did i scare ya? yep, after a 2 month absence i am definitely back! i hope some people still check back here from time to time! well, what have i been busy with?? i have been living with my brother (sherwood), sister-in-law (joc), and 2 nephews (isaiah and luke) for the last 2 months. i've been living with them as a part-time nanny type of thing. my sister-in-law is expecting their 3 child in the middle of august (although isaiah was born 6 weeks early and luke was 12 weeks there's no knowing when this baby will actually be born!) it has really just been a ton of fun, and time is FLYING by so fast! my days basically consist of me playing with my nephews and then doing a few house hold chores each day. my nephews have asked me a couple of times "are you an adult or a child?" they just can't figure out how i look older, like an adult, yet i just play all day long, like a child. they are just so precious!
other than nannying i have been (for the most part:)) loving planning my wedding! it's 4 months away (4 months from yesterday to be exact). for those of you who don't know eric, let me just say this: he is awesome. it hasn't completely sunk in that i will be his wife soon....but i am super excited for this adventure!
hm, well, other than that i just recently read a book called "The Shack" and it was really really good. really got me thinking about how i view God and challenged me to stop putting him into a box! God is God and yet i manage to create an "image" which i think He should fit into. man, i've still got a long way to go!!
well, i can't think of much else to write, so instead i'll leave it to pictures to fill you all in with the latest happenings of my life!
(hint: you can click on the pictures to make them bigger)
Luke hard at work colouring (we do a lot of this!)

Isaiah and his "important face"

Lukester having fun at the zoo

Woo hoo! my sister Ruth and sister-in-law Joc. babies, babies, BABIES!!!
This is what happens to Eric when he comes to visit me.
I took some family pictures for Ruth a couple of weeks ago, enjoy!

Ruth, Brian, Shiloh, and ???

I get lots of loving!
Luke took this picture of cracks me up every time.
My niece, little miss Shiloh. she is the most "little girl" i have ever met....that statement would make sense if you knew her!
Luke posing for me :)
This last year i took an African dance class with 2 of my friends (Kyla and Char). After my DTS i really felt challenged to try new things...things that i say i can't do...but really i've just never spent time doing it! Dance class was a BLAST! we had SO much fun together....although the closer it got to our dance recital the less fun and scarier it seemed!! here are some pictures from the nerve racking event:

i am saying "yep, they're all clapping for us. we're so awesome!"

Char, Kyla, and ME
my beloved nephews and niece....just joy.
ok, that's it for tonight, folks!! i hope you enjoyed it....because it took a while!