hey all,
i don't really have much to update....it's just that i'm craving internet time right now & i can't do anything but update this puppy & check my e-mail. so i guess i'll just babble. on monday i had a fantastic day with a fantastic friend. JULES. *insert three cheers* it was so much fun. we went to a mongolian restraunt and then we went over to winnipeg's pride and joy: the forks! we were walking around the little shops area when i looked into this window of a store & saw this plate that TOTALLY looked like the russian hand-painting. do you guys know what i'm talking about? like the red with the flowers, etc.basically the reason i'm telling you all this is because it was a russian store!!! basically all of the souvenirs that i picked up were in there also!! the lady behind the counter was talking to another person and i hear them say "privet" oh my gosh! i almost had to hold onto julia to make sure i was actually still in canada! :) it was so insane! and then also today i was at my sister, Ruth's house helping her get ready for a garage sale & i was going through this one box and i found a little wooden cross. not just any old wooden cross...but an russian orthodox cross! with the 3 posts (or whatever they're called) i took it home. do any of you guys remember what the 3 lines meant? anyways, so it was 2 trips down a russian memory lane for me this week.
it's been good. so since i can't read anyone else's blogs for another month....what are you all up to?
let's just get one thing straight.
that last post was NOT me. not one bit. hacker-crystal did it.
but while i'm on here...i may as well show you what i did tonight. i was helping my mom make roll kuchen (if you're not mennonite, you may not understand) and i got a little distracted. so i started making letter roll kuchen. normally they are big rectangles or triangles (like the one below) but i defied all laws of nature & formed K (for Kyla, a friend that's over) C (Crystal) and M (for Mel & Marge (or is it Mom?))
in other related news: i've renewed my love for switchfoot. they are just the funniest people & their music makes me smile. if you don't know them....well that's just too bad.
and in another related topic: just so everbody here knows: almost 2 weeks ago i started a 40 day fast with people of my chruch and people of the world. you can find out more info about it at this web page: www.fastandpray.com basically i'm staying away from all internet (except e-mail, updating my blog, and skype), movies, and tv. so i won't be reading anyone's blogs or myspace, etc. just so you guys all know. i'm still checking my e-mail so you can contact me there if you need to.
Posted by
7:59 p.m.
please...let me know.
5 bucks a shot. reasonable. i thought so.
i love buddy, and mom, and everyone who made this post possible.
Posted by
8:49 p.m.